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Artist - Paul Dunmall Percy Pursglove Steve Tromans Dave Kane Hamid Drake


Paul Dunmall Percy Pursglove Steve Tromans Dave Kane Hamid Drake

Energy and lots of it is the initial thing that strikes you here! In fact there's so much that after listening to the first track I thought I was listening to a James Brown cover band! and I even had to check the instrumentation to see if it was the right music! Not that things settle down, they just move into a just as energetic freeer feel. Off course the trumpet/tenor frontline gives the eventual free jazz vibe with both Hamid Drakes powerful drums and Steve Tromans off the wall piano shaping the uncatergusable sound full on power, utterly extrovert, powerful and as I said full of enthusiastic energy. All excellent with occasional forays into short simple tunes sandwiched by great improvising . even onfirast hearing I feel this is going to be an absolute classic. Outstanding

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